motu patlu cartoons full episode 2017

Motu Patlu Cartoon is a sitcom, humorous animated show created by cosmos-maya and directed by Suhas Kadav. The cartoon story centres on the two main characters, a motu and a patlu. The show is an Indian-Singaporean show based on the classic comic strip o Lot pot. The show airs on Nickelodeon and focuses on the two characters, the motu and the patlu mainly.
motu patlu 2017

The story spins around Motu and Patlu cartoon, two companions living in Furfuri Nagar. It concentrates on how they arrive in comical circumstances and later safeguard themselves simply by luckiness. Motu and Patlu are personal companions of each other. Samosa is the most loved sustenance of Motu. Motu dependably tries to take samosas from a Chaiwala who is the special case which makes the best samosas in the city.

motu and patlu in 2017

Under any usual circumstance, Motu is the one creating problems and causing troubles and Patlu always solve these problems using his abilities and a bit of luck. At times, Ghasitaram, Chingam and Dr Jhatka help them out of their misery and trouble. Now and then Ghasitaram makes Motu Patlu attempt Dr Jhatka's development. At the point when Motu eats samosas, he gets more enthusiastic than he ordinarily has.

The primary adversary in the arrangement is a criminal named "John the Don" who is constantly joined by his two colleagues, number one and number two. John expects to wind up distinctly an outstanding criminal, yet his arrangements dependably prey to bomb due to Motu Patlu.

best part:

This is a hilarious thing in the whole series, the wanted, and highly antagonistic criminal John the Don almost always gets failed in his missions due to errors and blunders by Motu and Patlu resulting in Motu and Patlu being appreciated for the heroics they don’t do. The story is light, and the series overall is hilariously funny. Motu and Patlu have over 260 episodes divided into 4 seasons. 

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